Discography and Biography of 100 Proof (Aged In Soul). Listen to all their hits.
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of 100 Proof (Aged In Soul) songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-13 of 13 records
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record label
1 record label: Hot Wax 7004
chart position: RandB #6, US #8
written by: General Johnson (as Norman Johnson), Greg Perry & Angelo Bond
album: Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Bed
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Bed
1970 Hot Wax
2 record label: Hot Wax 7202
chart position: RandB #15, US #45
written by: General Johnson (as Norman Johnson), Greg Perry & Angelo Bond
album: 100 Proof
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) Everything Good Is Bad, Everything Bad Is Good
1972 Hot Wax
3 record label: Hot Wax 6904
chart position: RandB #24
written by: Angelo Bond, Ronald Dunbar, Brian Holland , Lamont Dozier
album: Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Bed
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) Too Many Cooks (Spoil the Soup)
1969 Hot Wax
4 record label: Hot Wax 7104
chart position: RandB #33
written by: Angelo Bond, Greg Perry & General Johnson
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) Driveway
1971 Hot Wax
5 record label: Hot Wax 7009
chart position: RandB #37, US, #96
written by: Angelo Bond, General Johnson & Greg Perry
album: Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Bed
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) One Man's Leftovers (Is Another Man's Feast)
1971 Hot Wax
6 record label: Hot Wax 7108
chart position: Cashbox R&B #59
written by: R. Dunbar, A. Bond
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) 90 Day Freeze (On Her Love)
1971 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 7009
written by: General Johnson, Greg Perry
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) If I Could See The Light In The Window
1969 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 7211
written by: Holland, Dozier, C. Wilson
album: 100 Proof
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) Nothing Sweeter Than Love
1971 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 7206
written by: G. Johnson, G. Perry, A. Bond
album: 100 Proof
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) Don't Scratch Where It Don't Itch
1972 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 9254
written by: B. Holland, E. Holland, C. Coulter
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) My Piece Of The Rock
1976 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 9256
written by: H. Beatty, B. Holland, E. Holland
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) & New York Port Authority I'm Mad As Hell (Ain't Gonna Take No More)
1977 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 120
written by: Addrisi, Addrisi
album: 100 Proof
comments: [ballad]
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) Never My Love
1972 Hot Wax
-- record label: Hot Wax 7211
written by: C. Wilson, R. Dunbar
album: 100 Proof Aged In Soul
100 Proof (Aged In Soul) Since You Been Gone
1972 Hot Wax

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