Discography and Biography of Alvin Cash. Listen to all their hits.
Alvin Cash Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Alvin Cash songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-17 of 17 records
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1 record label: Mar V Lus 6002
chart position: RandB #3, US #14
written by: Andre Williams & Verlie Rice
album: Twine Time
comments: (and the Crawlers)
Alvin Cash Twine Time
1964 Mar V Lus
2 record label: Mar V Lus 6012
chart position: RandB #12, US #49
written by: James Jones and Otha Hayes
Alvin Cash The Philly Freeze
1966 Mar V Lus
3 record label: Toddlin Town 111
chart position: RandB #13, US #66
written by: Alvin Cash , Ira Gates, Howard Scott [Howard Seaphus Scott] and Walter Scott
Alvin Cash Keep On Dancing
1968 Toddlin Town
4 record label: Contempo 2110
chart position: UK #51
written by: Alvin Cash and Willie Henderson
Alvin Cash Ali Shuffle
1977 Contempo
5 record label: Mar V Lus 6005
chart position: RandB #29, US #59
written by: B. Williams
Alvin Cash The Barracuda
1965 Mar V Lus
6 record label: Mar V Lus 6014
chart position: RandB #42, US #74
written by: James Jones
Alvin Cash Alvin's Boo-Ga-Loo
1966 Mar V Lus
7 record label: Mar v lus 6006
chart position: US #134
written by: Harold Burrage, James Jones and Otha Hayes
Alvin Cash Un-Wind the Twine
1965 Mar v lus
-- record label: Mar v lus 6018
written by: Eddie Silvers
Alvin Cash The Charge
1967 Mar v lus
-- record label: Mar v lus 6015
written by: Eddie Silvers
Alvin Cash Doin' The Ali Shuffle
1967 Mar v lus
-- record label: Toddlin Town 104
written by: Eddie Silvers
Alvin Cash Alvin's Bag
1968 Toddlin Town
-- record label: Toddlin Town 124
written by: H. Scott, I. Gates, Alivn Cash
Alvin Cash Poppin' Popcorn
1969 Toddlin Town
-- record label: Toddlin Town 119
written by: Howard Scott, W. Scott, I. Gatus, A. Cash
Alvin Cash Funky '69'
1969 Toddlin Town
-- record label: Chess 2098
written by: Gene Anderson, Alvin Cash
Alvin Cash Saddle Up
1970 Chess
-- record label: Sound Stage Seven 1509
written by: W. Henderson, B. Lennon
Alvin Cash I Don't Want It (If It Don't Look Good)
1973 Sound Stage Seven
-- record label: Dakar 4559
written by: Alvin Cash and Willie Henderson
Alvin Cash Doing The Feeling
1976 Dakar
-- record label: Gateway 110 8
written by: Alvin Cash, Willie Henderson
Alvin Cash Strut
1983 Gateway
-- record label: Triple T 1208
written by: Alvin Cash, Willie Henderson and Milton Crump
Alvin Cash I'm Betting
1988 Triple T

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