Discography and Biography of Doug E. Fresh. Listen to all their hits.
Doug E. Fresh Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Doug E. Fresh songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-15 of 15 records
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record label
1 record label: Reality 242
chart position: RandB #4, UK #7
written by: Doug E. Fresh (as Douglas E. Davis) & Slick Rick (as Ricky Walters)
album: Oh, My God!
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh & the Get Fresh Crew The Show
1985 Reality
2 record label: Reality 988
chart position: RandB #4
written by: Doug E. Fresh
album: The World's Greatest Entertainer
Doug E. Fresh Keep Risin' to the Top
1988 Reality
3 record label: Reality 264
chart position: RandB #19, UK #79
written by: Doug E. Fresh
album: Oh, My God!
Doug E. Fresh All the Way to Heaven
1986 Reality
4 record label: Bust It 15822
chart position: RandB #28
album: Doin' What I Gotta Do
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh Bustin' Out (On Funk)
1992 Bust It
5 record label: Enjoy Records 6035
chart position: UK #98
written by: Doug E. Fresh
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh Just Having Fun
1986 Enjoy Records
6 record label: Def Jam 853992
chart position: RandB #56, US #101
written by: Slick Rick (as Ricky Walters)
album: Behind Bars
Slick Rick (featuring Doug E. Fresh on the beatbox) Sittin' in My Car
1995 Def Jam
7 record label: Reality 971
chart position: RandB #38
written by: Doug E. Fresh
album: Oh, My God!
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh Loving Every Minute of It
1987 Reality
8 record label: Reality 2701
chart position: RandB #55
written by: Doug E. Fresh (as Douglas Davis)
Doug E. Fresh Summertime
1989 Reality
9 record label: Reality 279
chart position: RandB #56
written by: Doug E. Fresh and Chill Will
album: Oh, My God!
Doug E. Fresh Play This Only at Night
1987 Reality
10 record label: Reality 3107
chart position: RandB #66
written by: Doug E. Fresh
album: The World's Greatest Entertainer
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh Cut That Zero
1998 Reality
11 record label: Columbia
chart position: RandB #69
album: Street's Disciple
comments: [hip hop]
Nas ft. Ludacris & Doug E. Fresh Virgo
2005 Columbia
12 record label: Gee Street 162 440 583
chart position: RandB #76, US #105
written by: Doug E. Fresh (as Douglas E. Davis) , R. Scrogins and M. Unique
album: Play
Doug E. Fresh I-ight (Alright)
1994 Gee Street
13 record label: Bust It 79361
chart position: RandB #79
album: Doin' What I Gotta Do
comments: [hip hop]
Doug E. Fresh If I Was Your Man
1992 Bust It
14 record label: Gee Street 440 583
chart position: RandB #79, US #101
album: Play
Doug E. Fresh Freaks
1994 Gee Street
15 record label: Gee Street 440 612
chart position: RandB #81, US #108
album: Play
Doug E. Fresh Where's da Party At?
1995 Gee Street

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