Discography and Biography of Elephant Man. Listen to all their hits.
Elephant Man Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Elephant Man songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-10 of 10 records
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record label
1 record label: VP 6404
chart position: RandB #29, US #86, UK #29
written by: Donovan Bennett, Elephant Man and Craig Parkes
album: Good 2 Go
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man Pon De River, Pon De Bank
2003 VP
2 record label: VP 88353
chart position: RandB #20, UK #41, US #57
written by: Elephant Man, Gene Griffin, Aaron Hall, Bone Crusher, Johnny Kemp, Kiprich, Teddy Riley and Lil Jon
album: Good 2 Go
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man ft. Twista, YoungBloodZ & Kiprich Jook Gal (Wine Wine)
2004 VP
3 record label: Tommy Boy 2424
chart position: UK #77
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Biz Markie featuring Elephant Man Let Me See You Bounce
2003 Tommy Boy
4 record label: VP 6436
chart position: RandB #51
written by: Elephant Man
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man Willie Bounce
2005 VP
5 record label: VP Records 185
chart position: RandB #66
written by: Elephant Man and Supa Dups
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man Father Elephant
2005 VP Records
6 record label: VP Records 110
chart position: RandB #68
written by: Elephant Man
album: Good 2 Go
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man Signal De Plane
2004 VP Records
7 record label: VP
chart position: RandB #84
written by: Elephant Man, Craig Harrisingh and David Harrisingh
album: Energy God The Very Best Of Elephant Man
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man Nuh Linga
2009 VP
8 record label: Bad Boy 171580
chart position: RandB #87
album: Let's Get Physical
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Elephant Man featuring Wyclef Five-O
2007 Bad Boy
9 record label: Digital
chart position: RandB #90
comments: [reggae dancehall]
PI Featuring Elephant Man Shake That Body
2007 Digital
10 record label: AV8 663
chart position: RandB #93
comments: [reggae dancehall]
Fatman Scoop featuring Elephant Man & Jabba U Sexy Girl
2006 AV

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