Discography and Biography of Fontella Bass. Listen to all their hits.
Fontella Bass Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Fontella Bass songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-22 of 22 records
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record label
1 record label: Checker 1120
chart position: RandB #1, US #4, UK #11
written by: Raynard Miner & Carl Smith (as Carl William Smith)
album: The New Look
comments: [northern soul]
Fontella Bass Rescue Me
1965 Checker
2 record label: Checker 1131
chart position: RandB #13, US #37, UK #32
written by: Billy Davis [Roquel Davis], Carl Smith & Raynard Miner
comments: [northern soul]
Fontella Bass Recovery
1965 Checker
3 record label: Checker 1111
chart position: RandB #27, US #91
written by: Gene Barge and Billy Clark
album: The New Look
Fontella Bass & Bobby McClure You'll Miss Me (When I'm Gone)
1965 Checker
4 record label: Checker 1111
chart position: Cashbox RandB #30
written by: Davis, Smith, Miner
Fontella Bass & Bobby McClure Don't Jump
1965 Checker
5 record label: Checker 1137
chart position: RandB #31
written by: Billy Davis [Roquel Davis], Raynard Miner and Carl Smith (as Carl William Smith)
Fontella Bass I Can't Rest
1966 Checker
6 record label: Checker 1137
chart position: RandB #33, US #78
written by: Billy Davis [Roquel Davis], Sugar Pie DeSanto and Shena De Mell
Fontella Bass I Surrender
1966 Checker
7 record label: Checker 1147
chart position: RandB #34
written by: Oliver Sain
Fontella Bass You'll Never Know
1966 Checker
8 record label: Checker 1147
chart position: US #100
written by: Billy Davis [Roquel Davis], Carl Smith and Raynard Miner
comments: [northern soul]
Fontella Bass Safe and Sound
1966 Checker
-- record label: Paula 360
written by: Oliver Sain
album: Free
comments: [southern soul]
Fontella Bass Who You Gonna Blame
1972 Paula
-- record label: Paula 367
written by: Don Bryant
album: Free
comments: [deep soul]
Fontella Bass I Want Everyone To Know
1972 Paula
-- record label: Checker 1183
written by: Simms, Tarleton
comments: [northern soul]
Fontella Bass Lucky In Love
1967 Checker
-- record label: Paula 389
written by: Bobby Patterson
comments: [southern soul]
Fontella Bass Home Wrecker
1973 Paula
-- record label: Paula 376
written by: H. Hawkins, B. Perry, S. Joseph, R. Bass
comments: [southern soul]
Fontella Bass It Sure Is Good
1972 Paula
-- record label: Paula 376
written by: H. Hawkins, B. Perry, S. Joseph
comments: [ballad]
Fontella Bass I'm Leaving The Choice To You
1972 Paula
-- record label: Paula 393
written by: Jerry Strickland and Bobby Patterson
comments: [southern soul]
Fontella Bass It's Hard To Get Back In
1973 Paula
-- record label: Checker 1131
written by: Shena DeMell, Sugar Pie DeSanto
comments: [southern soul]
Fontella Bass Leave It In The Hands Of Love
1965 Checker
-- record label: Checker 1120
written by: Oliver Sain
album: The \'New\' Look
comments: [southern soul ballad]
Fontella Bass Soul Of The Man
1965 Checker
-- record label: Paula
written by: H. Banks, B. Davis, R. Jackson
album: Free
comments: [southern soul album cut]
Fontella Bass Hold On This Time
1972 Paula
-- record label: Bobbin 140
written by: Campbell, Sain
Fontella Bass Honey Bee
1962 Bobbin
-- record label: Bobbin 134
written by: Robertson, Rollins
Fontella Bass I Don't Hurt Anymore
1962 Bobbin
-- record label: Prann 5005
written by: Oliver Sain
comments: [southern soul ballad]
Fontella Bass I Love The Man
1963 Prann
-- record label: Sonja 2006
written by: Oliver Sain
Fontella Bass Poor Little Fool -- This Would Make Me Happy
1964 Sonja

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