Discography and Biography of Funkmaster Flex. Listen to all their hits.
Funkmaster Flex Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Funkmaster Flex songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-10 of 10 records
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record label
1 record label: RCA 65542
chart position: RandB #34, US #72
weeksinr&bchart: 16
written by: Wyclef Jean, K. Bass, David McRae and Marvin Moore Hough
album: Funkmaster Flex: The Mix Tape Volume III
Funkmaster Flex presents Khadejia featuring Product Here We Go
1998 RCA
2 record label: Def Jam 1967
chart position: RandB #34, US #91
written by: DMX, Irv Cotti, Larry Ogletree, Robert Bell
album: 60 Minutes of Funk Vol. IV
comments: [rap]
Funkmaster Flex featuring DMX Do You
2000 Def Jam
3 record label: Wreck 20148
chart position: RandB #85, US #101
weeksinr&bchart: 9
written by: Biz Markie, Charlie Brown, Funkmaster Flex and Ol' Dirty Bastard (as Old Dirty Bastard)
Funkmaster Flex & the Ghetto Celebs ft. Biz Markie, Charlie Brown & Ol' Dirty Bastard Nuttin But Flavor
1995 Wreck
4 record label: RPROLP 4477
chart position: RandB #42
album: 60 Minutes of Funk, Volume IV: The Mixtape
Funkmaster Flex Goodlife
5 record label: Def Jam 562606
chart position: RandB #56
weeksinr&bchart: 10
album: The Tunnel
comments: [hip hop] samples "I'm Afraid The Masquerade Is Over" by David Porter
Funkmaster Flex & Big Kap featuring LL Cool J III Bomb
2000 Def Jam
6 record label: Koch
chart position: RandB #72
Funkmaster Flex Presents 50 Cent ft. Paul Wall Just A Touch
2005 Koch
7 record label: Def Jam
chart position: RandB #81
weeksinr&bchart: 5
album: The Tunnel
comments: [album cut]
Funkmaster Flex & Big Kap featuring Mary J. Blige Confrontation
2000 Def Jam
8 record label: Def Jam 562541
chart position: RandB #83
weeksinr&bchart: 10
album: The Tunnel
Funkmaster Flex & Big Kap featuring The Ruff Ryders We in Here
1999 Def Jam
9 record label: RCA 65553
chart position: RandB #85
weeksinr&bchart: 5
Funkmaster Flex Presents Wu Tang Cream Team Wu-Tang Cream Team Line-Up
1988 RCA
10 record label: Loud 9143
chart position: RandB #94
Funkmaster Flex ft. Fat Joe, Jadakiss & Remy Martin My Lifestyle
2002 Loud

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