Discography and Biography of Intrigue. Listen to all their hits.
Intrigue Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Intrigue songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-13 of 13 records
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record label
1 record label: Yew 1001
chart position: RandB #10, US #31
written by: The Intrigues
album: In a Moment
The Intrigues In a Moment
1969 Yew
2 record label: Yew 1012
chart position: RandB #21, US #100
written by: Joe Cobb and Van McCoy
comments: [sweet soul ballad]
The Intrigues The Language of Love
1971 Yew
3 record label: Yew 1002
chart position: Cashbox R&B #43, US #86
written by: Buddy Turner, Jerry Aknes and Victor Drayton
The Intrigues I'm Gonna Love You
1969 Yew
4 record label: Music Power 2
chart position: UK# 87
written by: Intrigue
Intrigue Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
1984 Music Power
5 record label: Universal 56000
chart position: RandB #91, US #122
weeksinr&bchart: 2
album: Acoustic Soul
Intrigue Dance with Me
1996 Universal
6 record label: Olympic 18
chart position: UK #177
written by: Charlie Mole and Terry Ronald
comments: [dance, house]
Intrigue Got to Get Movin'
1995 Olympic
7 record label: World Trade 1000
chart position: RandB #80
written by: Leroy Burgess and Sonny T. Davenport (as Sonny Davenport)
Intrigue Fly Girl
1985 World Trade
-- record label: Music Power 1 (UK)
written by: Intrigue
comments: [disco, dance, boogie]
Intrigue Call of the Heart
1984 Music Power
-- record label: Pressure 1003 (UK)
written by: B. Petrie, R. Simmonds
comments: [disco, funk, boogie]
Intrigue I Like It
1982 Pressure
-- record label: Project 1 (UK)
written by: Intrigue
Intrigue Heaven Made
1984 Project
-- record label: Music Power 1 (UK)
written by: Intrigue
comments: [disco funk]
Intrigue No Turning Back
1984 Music Power
-- record label: Intrigue 1 (UK)
written by: B. Malcolm
Intrigue One Touch
1986 Intrigue
-- record label: Port 3018
written by: Ben Boyce
The Intrigues Don't Refuse My Love
1966 Port

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