Discography and Biography of Lew Kirton. Listen to all their hits.
Lew Kirton Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Lew Kirton songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-16 of 16 records
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record label
1 record label: Believe In A Dream 04058
chart position: RandB #31, UK #90
written by: Don McHenry, Lew Kirton and Orin Canterbury
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [disco, soul, boogie]
Lew Kirton Talk to Me
1983 Believe In A Dream
2 record label: Epic 4066
chart position: RandB #71
written by: Lew Kirton and O'Neil Johnson
album: Talk To Me...
Lew Kirton Don't Give Up Your Dream (Hang On In There)
1983 Epic
3 record label: Marlin 3311
chart position: RandB #94
written by: Daryl Hall and John Oates
Lew Kirton Do What You Want, Be What You Are
1977 Marlin
-- record label: Epic 25621 (UK)
written by: Keith Diamond, Lew Kirton
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [ballad album cut]
Lew Kirton Hooked On You
1983 Epic
-- record label: Epic 25621 (UK)
written by: M. Jackson, R. Tyson, T. Stubbs
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [ballad album cut]
Lew Kirton Got To Find Somebody To Love
1983 Epic
-- record label: Believe In A Dream 4380
written by: L. Kirton, O. Johnson
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [disco, boogie]
Lew Kirton Here's My Love (Come And Get It)
1983 Believe In A Dream
-- record label: Silver Blue 809
written by: Joel Diamond, Robert Martinelli
comments: [philly sound]
The Invitations ft. Lew Kirton I Didn't Know
1974 Silver Blue
-- record label: Tweedside 001
written by: L. Kirton, C. Brice
Lew Kirton Don't Wanna Wait
1986 Tweedside
-- record label: T.K. Disco 103
written by: Hod David, Gloria Nissensen
Lew Kirton Heaven In The Afternoon
1977 T.K. Disco
-- record label: Alston 3739
written by: C. Reid, W. Clarke
Lew Kirton New York City
1978 Alston
-- record label: Marlin 3347
written by: C. Reid, F. Stonewall, I.J. Kitts
album: Just Arrived
Lew Kirton Island Girl
1981 Marlin
-- record label: Epic 4066 (UK)
written by: L. Kirton, D. McHenry, O. Canterbury
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [disco, dance, boogie]
Lew Kirton Just Can't Get Enough
1983 Epic
-- record label: Believe In A Dream 4380
written by: L. Kirton, D. Johnson
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [ballad]
Lew Kirton Always Will
1983 Believe In A Dream
-- record label: Alston 4411
written by: Clarence Reid
album: Just Arrived
comments: [album cut]
Lew Kirton Something Special
1980 Alston
-- record label: Alston 4411
written by: C. Reid, J. Straws
album: Just Arrived
comments: [album cut]
Lew Kirton Love, I Don't Want Your Love
1980 Alston
-- record label: Believe In A Dream
written by: L. Kirton, D. McHenry, O. Canterbury
album: Talk To Me...
comments: [ballad album cut]
Lew Kirton I Can't Live Without You
1983 Believe In A Dream

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