Discography and Biography of Mase. Listen to all their hits.
Mase Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Mase songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-22 of 22 records
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record label
1 record label: Puff Daddy Records 1
chart position: RandB #2, US #1, UK #6
weeksinr&bchart: 29
written by: Edwards, Mase, Nile Rodgers, Stevie J, Diddy, The Notorious B.I.G.
album: Life After Death
comments: [hip hop]
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & Mase Mo Money Mo Problems
1997 Puff Daddy Records
2 record label: Bad Boy 9080
chart position: RandB #1, US #1, UK #19
written by: Diddy, Stevie J, Carlos Broady, Nashiem Myrick, Mase, Greg Prestopino, Matthew Wilder
album: No Way Out
comments: [hip hop]
Puff Daddy featuring Mase Can't Nobody Hold Me Down
1997 Bad Boy
3 record label: Uni 55066
chart position: RandB #1, US #1, US AC #15
written by: Philemon Hou
comments: [jazz funk instrumental]
Hugh Masekela Grazing in the Grass
1968 Uni
4 record label: Arista 3405
chart position: RandB #5, US #5, UK #10
written by: Ronald Bell, G. Brown, Lawrence Dermer, Joe Galdo
album: Harlem World
comments: [hip hop]
Mase Feel So Good
1997 Arista
5 record label: Bad Boys 79142
chart position: RandB #3, US #6, UK #15
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha), Diddy (as Sean Combs)
album: Harlem World
comments: [hip hop]
Mase featuring Total What You Want
1998 Bad Boys
6 record label: Interscope 6495
chart position: RandB #10, US #14, UK #7
written by: Teddy Riley, Tamara Savage, Madeline Nelson, Mase (as Mason Betha) and Michael Foster
album: Finally
BLACKstreet & Mya featuring Mase & Blinky Blink Take Me There
1998 Interscope
7 record label: Bad Boys 9171
chart position: RandB #8, US #8
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha), Diddy (as Sean
album: Harlem World
comments: [hip hop]
Mase featuring Puff Daddy Lookin' at Me
1998 Bad Boys
8 record label: Motown 1
chart position: RandB #4, US #17, UK #36
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha), J. Brown, Diddy, S. Jordan, Ron Lawrence, Brian McKnight and K. Price
album: Anytime
comments: [hip hop]
Brian McKnight featuring Mase You Should Be Mine (Don't Waste Your Time)
1997 Motown
9 record label: Bad Boy 9181
chart position: RandB #8, US #17, UK #196
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha), Leslie Brathwaite, Daron Jones, Michael Keith, L. Maxwell, Q [Quinnes Parker]
album: Room 112
112 featuring Mase Love Me
1998 Bad Boy
10 record label: Untertainment 78938
chart position: RandB #9, UK #12, US #41
written by: Cam'ron (as Cameron Giles)
album: Confessions of Fire
comments: [hip hop]
Cam'ron featuring Mase Horse and Carriage
1998 Untertainment
11 record label: Bad Boy 003354
chart position: RandB #12, US #28
written by: Mase and Ricardo Thomas
album: Welcome Back
Mase featuring P. Diddy Breathe, Stretch, Shake
2004 Bad Boy
12 record label: Jive Afrika 9193
chart position: RandB #67, US Dance #2
written by: Hugh Masekela and Stewart Levine
Hugh Masekela Don't Go Lose It Baby
1984 Jive Afrika
13 record label: Bad Boy Entertainment 74321
chart position: RandB #50, US #125, UK #32
written by: Diddy (as Sean Combs), Mase (as Mason Betha) and Andreao "Fanatic" Heard
album: Double Up
Mase featuring BLACKstreet Get Ready
1999 Bad Boy Entertainm
14 record label: Bad Boy 003354
chart position: RandB #17
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha)
album: Welcome Back
Mase Welcome Back
2004 Bad Boy
15 record label: Uni 55102
chart position: RandB #21
written by: Hugh Masekela
comments: [instrumental]
Hugh Masekela Riot
1969 Uni
16 record label: Uni 55037
chart position: RandB #47, US #71
written by: Jimmy Webb
comments: [instrumental]
Hugh Masekela Up Up and Away
1967 Uni
17 record label: Uni 55085
chart position: Cashbox R&B #36, US #71
written by: Lemmy Mabaso
Hugh Masekela Puffin' Down the Track
1968 Uni
18 record label: Uni 55116
chart position: US #107
written by: A. Adams
Hugh Masekela A Long Ways from Home
1969 Uni
19 record label: So So Def 79089
chart position: RandB #61
weeksinr&bchart: 7
written by: El DeBarge, Etterlene Jordan, Just Blaze, Larry Johnson, Mase, Michael Jonzun, Cardan, Stason Betha
album: The Movement
comments: samples "Popcorn Love" by New Edition and "I Like It" by DeBarge
Harlem World featuring Mase & Kelly Price I Really Like It
1999 So So Def
20 record label: Bad Boy 9149
chart position: RandB #72
album: Harlem World
Mase featuring The Lox, Black Rob & DMX 24 Hrs. to Live
1998 Bad Boy
21 record label: Horizon 115
chart position: RandB #87
weeksinr&bchart: 5
written by: August Musarurwa
comments: [instrumental]
Herb Alpert & Hugh Masekela Skokiaan
1978 Horizon
22 record label: Somethin Serious
chart position: RandB #89
comments: [obscene rap]
Fat Pimp Maserati
2010 Somethin Serious

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