Discography and Biography of N'Dea Davenport. Listen to all their hits.
N'Dea Davenport Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of N'Dea Davenport songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-9 of 9 records
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record label
1 record label: FFRR 6
chart position: UK #26, US Dance #2
written by: Andy Levy and Angie Cheung
album: Brother Sister
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Spend Some Time
1994 FFRR
2 record label: FFRR 5
chart position: UK #13
written by: David Nichtern
album: Brother Sister
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Midnight at the Oasis
1994 FFRR
3 record label: FFRR 4
chart position: UK #23
written by: Jan Kincaid
album: Brother Sister
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Back to Love
1994 FFRR
4 record label: FFRR 1
chart position: UK #24
written by: Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Don't Let It Go to Your Head
1992 FFRR
5 record label: Chrysalis 58081
chart position: RandB #50, UK #34, US #105
weeksinr&bchart: 20
written by: Guru, N'Dea Davenport
album: Jazzmatazz, Vol. 1
Guru featuring N'Dea Davenport Trust Me
1993 Chrysalis
6 record label: Delicious Vinyl 14202
chart position: RandB #19, UK #40, US Dance #38
written by: James Wellman
album: The Brand New Heavies
comments: [jazz funk]
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Stay This Way
1991 Delicious Vinyl
7 record label: FFRR 7
chart position: UK #38
written by: Andy Levy, Simon Bartholomew, Jan Kincaid and N'Dea Davenport
The Brand New Heavies ft N'Dea Davenport Close to You
1995 FFRR
8 record label: Elektra 7559
chart position: RandB #75, UK #52
weeksinr&bchart: 12
written by: N'Dea Davenport , Brady Blade, Dallas Austin and Colin Wolfe
N'Dea Davenport Bring It On
1998 Elektra
9 record label: Delicious Vinyl
chart position: UK #188, US Dance #21
written by: Stevie Wonder, Paul Riser, Don Hunter and Lula Mae Hardaway (as Lula Hardaway)
album: Get Used To It
The Brand New Heavies ft. N'Dea Davenport I Don't Know Why (I Love You)
2007 Delicious Vinyl

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