Discography and Biography of Reuben Bell. Listen to all their hits.
Reuben Bell Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Reuben Bell songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-11 of 11 records
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1 record label: Deluxe 140
chart position: RandB #38
comments: [deep soul]
Reuben Bell I Hear You Knocking (It's Too Late)
1972 Deluxe
-- record label: Murco 1035
written by: Reuben Bell
album: Dave Godin's Deep Soul Treasures Vol.1
comments: [deep soul]
Reuben Bell with the Casanovas It's Not That Easy
1967 Murco
-- record label: Murco 1046
written by: R. Bell
Reuben Bell You're Gonna Miss Me
1968 Murco
-- record label: Murco 1052
written by: Reuben Bell, Elbert Giles
Reuben Bell Action Speaks Louder Than Words
1969 Murco
-- record label: Murco 1052
written by: Reuben Bell
Reuben Bell Too Late
1969 Murco
-- record label: House Of Orange 2406
written by: Reuben Bell, Vernon Davis
Reuben Bell What's Happening To The World
1971 House Of Orange
-- record label: Deluxe 148
written by: Jerry Middleton, Walter Harper
Reuben Bell All The Time
1973 Deluxe
-- record label: Alarm 107
written by: Jerry Strickland, Reuben Bell
Reuben Bell Asking For The Truth
1975 Alarm
-- record label: Contempo 2097
written by: Bell, Strickland
Reuben Bell I Still Have To Say Goodbye
1975 Contempo
-- record label: Alarm 2121
written by: Jerry Strickland and Reuben Bell
Reuben Bell Meet Me Halfway
1977 Alarm
-- record label: Alarm 2121
written by: Jerry Strickland, Reuben Bell
Reuben Bell One Sided Love Affair
1977 Alarm

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