Discography and Biography of Ronnie Laws. Listen to all their hits.
Ronnie Laws Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Ronnie Laws songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-15 of 15 records
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record label
1 record label: Liberty 1424
chart position: RandB #19, US #60
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Solid Ground
comments: [ballad] [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Stay Awake
1981 Liberty
2 record label: United Artists Records 626
chart position: RandB #12
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Every Generation
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Every Generation
1980 United Artists Rec
3 record label: Capitol 5241
chart position: RandB #31
written by: Trevor Veitch and Greg Mathieson
album: Mr. Nice Guy
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws In the Groove
1983 Capitol
4 record label: Capitol 5421
chart position: RandB #31
written by: Ronnie Laws
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws City Girl
1985 Capitol
5 record label: Blue Note 738
chart position: RandB #45
written by: Ronnie Laws and William Jeffery
album: Pressure Sensitive
comments: [instrumental] [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws & Pressure Always There
1975 Blue Note
6 record label: United Artists 1264
chart position: RandB #57
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Flame
comments: [instrumental] [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Love Is Here
1978 United Artists
7 record label: Liberty 648(UK)
chart position: RandB #75
written by: David Boruff and Ronnie Laws
album: Solid Ground
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws There's a Way
1981 Liberty
8 record label: Sax 76354
chart position: RandB #76
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Identity
comments: [smooth jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Morning in My Life
1991 Sax
9 record label: Capitol 5274
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Mr. Nice Guy
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Mr. Nice Guy
1983 Capitol
10 record label: United Artists 36481(UK)
chart position: RandB #93
written by: Larry Dunn and Ronnie Laws
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws All for You
1979 United Artists
-- record label: United Artists 1036
written by: W. Jeffery
album: Friends And Strangers
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Friends And Strangers
1977 United Artists
-- record label: Columbia 07787
written by: R. Laws, R. Henderson, J. Nettlesbey
album: All Day Rhythm
comments: [instrumental] [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Smoke House
1987 Columbia
-- record label: Blue Note 628
written by: B. Lyle
album: Fever
comments: [funk jazz] [album cut] [instrumental]
Ronnie Laws Night Breeze
1976 Blue Note
-- record label: Blue Note 848
written by: W. Jeffrey
album: Fever
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws All The Time
1976 Blue Note
-- record label: Blue Note 848
written by: Ronnie Laws
album: Fever
comments: [jazz funk]
Ronnie Laws Karmen
1976 Blue Note

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