R&B Soul Music Jukebox Discography and Biography of The Younghearts
The Younghearts Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of The Younghearts songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-12 of 12 records
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record label
1 record label: Minit 32049
chart position: RandB #19
written by: J. Moore, Charles Ingersoll, Ronald Preyer and E. Carter
album: Sweet Soul Shakin'
The Younghearts I've Got Love for My Baby
1968 Minit
2 record label: Minit 32039
chart position: RandB #29, US #109
written by: B. Sanders, A. Poree, C. Scorborugh
album: Sweet Soul Shakin'
comments: [sweet soul]
The Younghearts Oh, I'll Never Be the Same
1968 Minit
3 record label: Zea 50001
chart position: RandB #40, US #123
written by: Richard Fields
The Younghearts The Young Hearts Get Lonely Too
1970 Zea
4 record label: 20th Century 2130
chart position: RandB #48
written by: Vernon Bullock, Charles Ingersoll, Ronald Preyer and Bobby Solomon
album: A Taste of The Younghearts
The Younghearts Wake Up and Start Standing
1974 20th Century
5 record label: 20th Century 2080
chart position: RandB #70
written by: Harry Pratt and Vernon Bullock
album: Do You Have the Time
The Younghearts Me and You
1974 20th Century
6 record label: 20th Century 2130
chart position: RandB #81
written by: Vernon Bullock, Charles Ingersoll, Ronald Preyer and Bobby Solomo
album: A Taste of The Younghearts
comments: [Sweet Soul]
The Younghearts Dedicate (My Life to You)
1975 20th Century
-- record label: Canterbury 506
written by: B. Sanders, J. Peters, W. Douglas
album: Sweet Soul Shakin'
The Younghearts A Little Togetherness
1967 Canterbury
-- record label: Minit 32066
written by: E. Garner, J. Burke
album: Sweet Soul Shakin'
The Younghearts Misty -- Count Down (Here I Come)
1969 Minit
-- record label: Minit 32057
written by: T. Turner, D. Cook
album: Sweet Soul Shakin'
The Younghearts Sweet Soul Shakin'
1969 Minit
-- record label: AVCO Embassy 4554
written by: Ingersoll
The Younghearts Oo La We
1970 AVCO Embassy
-- record label: ABC 1032
album: All About Love
The Younghearts (ft. Dyana Whitman) Back Street Love Affair
1977 ABC
-- record label: ABC 12306
written by: Rod Temperton
album: All About Love
comments: [Sweet Soul]
The Younghearts Sho Nuff Must Be Love
1977 ABC

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