Discography and Biography of Total. Listen to all their hits.
Total Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Total songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-27 of 27 records
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record label
1 record label: Bad Boys 79142
chart position: RandB #3, US #6, UK #15
written by: Mase (as Mason Betha), Diddy (as Sean Combs)
album: Harlem World
comments: [hip hop]
Mase featuring Total What You Want
1998 Bad Boys
2 record label: Bad Boy 9180
chart position: RandB #3, US #7
written by: Missy Elliott, D. Pearson, Timbaland (as Tim Mosley), K. Spivey and J. Raynor
album: Kima, Keisha, and Pam
Total featuring Missy Elliott Trippin'
1998 Bad Boy
3 record label: Tommy Boy 676
chart position: RandB #3, US #13, UK #43
written by: Terri Robinson, M. South, J. Howell, Diddy, The Notorious B.I.G., and Herb Middleton
album: Total
comments: [hip hop]
Total featuring The Notorious B.I.G. Can't You See
1995 Tommy Boy
4 record label: Bad Boy 9057
chart position: RandB #6, US #12, UK #29
written by: Julian Jackson, Raphael Saadiq, Janice Johnson and Brian James
album: Total
Total Kissin' You
1996 Bad Boy
5 record label: LaFace 4262
chart position: RandB #4, US #16
written by: Timbaland (as Tim Mosley) and Missy Elliott
album: Soul Food: Soundtrack
Total What About Us
1997 LaFace
6 record label: Bad Boy 78612 79043
chart position: RandB #4, US #22, UK #185
written by: Terri Robinson, Da Brat, Jean Claude Olivier and Diddy (as Sean
Total No One Else
1995 Bad Boy
7 record label: London 882 070
chart position: US dance #1, RandB #80, UK #17
written by: Steve Harvey, Robin Achampong & Delroy Murray
album: Total Contrast
comments: [disco funk]
Total Contrast Takes a Little Time
1985 London
8 record label: Deconstruction 44235 (UK)
chart position: UK #12
written by: Limoni, Davoli, Semplici and Hartman
Black Box The Total Mix
1990 Deconstruction
9 record label: London 886 032
chart position: RandB #88, US Dance #7, UK #44
written by: Steve Harvey, Robin Achampong, Delroy Murray and Jean Paul Maunick
album: Total Contrast
Total Contrast The River
1986 London
10 record label: Bad Boy 9074
chart position: RandB #20, US #61, UK #49
written by: Raphael Saadiq and Janice Johnson
album: Total
Total Do You Think About Us?
1996 Bad Boy
11 record label: Bad Boy 79218
chart position: RandB #10, US #42
written by: Jack Knight, D Dot (as Deric Angelettie), D. Blake, Kenneth Whitehead and E. Johnson
album: Kima, Keisha, and Pam
Total Sitting Home
1999 Bad Boy
12 record label: London 76 (UK)
chart position: UK #41
written by: Steve Harvey, Robin Achampong and Delroy Murray
album: Total Contrast
Total Contrast Hit and Run
1985 London
13 record label: Bad Boy 79074
chart position: RandB #28, US #50
written by: Tammy Lucas, Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo, Q, Slim, Keisha Spivey, Pamela Long
album: Total
Total When Boy Meets Girl
1996 Bad Boy
14 record label: Tommy Boy 2074
chart position: RandB #52, UK #68
written by: Bernard Edwards, Joseph Anthony Hernandez, Jürgen Korduletsch, Mats Björk
album: The Piece Maker
comments: [hip hop]
Tony Touch featuring Total I Wonder Why He's the Greatest DJ
2000 Tommy Boy
15 record label: London 886 215
chart position: RandB #55, UK #80, US Dance #26
written by: Steve Harvey and Jean Paul Maunick
album: Beat to Beat
Total Contrast Kiss
1987 London
16 record label: CBS 653198 (UK)
chart position: UK #82
written by: Bill Withers
album: Bill Withers Greatest Hits
comments: Remix Ben Liebrand
Bill Withers Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
1988 CBS
17 record label: Criminal 14 (UK)
chart position: UK #90
written by: Bob Marley
Total Contrast Waiting in Vain
1988 Criminal
18 record label: London 886 051
chart position: RandB #64, UK #63, US Dance #42
written by: Steve Harvey
album: Total Contrast
Total Contrast What You Gonna Do About It
1986 London
19 record label: PGA 12625
chart position: RandB #95, US #103
weeksinr&bchart: 4
album: Total Devastation
Total Devastation Many Clouds of Smoke
1993 PGA
20 record label: Columbia 74340
chart position: RandB #37
album: Do Some Damage
Total Look & the Style Room 252
1992 Columbia
21 record label: London 142
chart position: UK #90
written by: Steve Harvey, Robin Achampong and Delroy Murray
album: Beat to Beat
Total Contrast Jody
1987 London
22 record label: Bad Boy 78612 73006 2
chart position: RandB #62
written by: Terri Robinson, Diddy and Rashad Smith
album: Total
Total Do You Know
1996 Bad Boy
23 record label: Sunnyview 419
chart position: RandB #83
written by: Frank Mayers and Michael Skinner
Dynamic Breakers Dynamic (Total Control)
1985 Sunnyview
24 record label: Pandisc 010
chart position: US dance #61
written by: Jim Steinman
comments: [disco dance]
Koffie Total Eclipse of the Heart
1985 Pandisc
25 record label: Killah Pride 90429
chart position: RandB #96
album: Predatah Or Prey
comments: [reggae hip hop]
Mad Lion featuring Total Give It To Me
2002 Killah Pride
-- record label: Sound Plus 2179
written by: Larry Bailey
Brief Encounter Total Satisfaction
1970 Sound Plus
-- record label: Romark 102
written by: Kent Harris
Towana & The Total Destruction Wear Your Natural, Baby
1973 Romark

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