Discography and Biography of Yolanda Adams. Listen to all their hits.
Yolanda Adams Songs

(with biography below if available)

Below is a list of Yolanda Adams songs, sorted by the most popular first. Place mouse on to see information about song. Click song title to play song and to read details about the song including lyrics (if available). Click year to list all songs from that year. Click label to list songs from that record label. Songs with chart position "---" either never made it into the US top 100 R&B or UK charts or we have no details of their highest chart positions if they did.

(Song are sorted in highest US R&B Top 100 and/or UK Top 100 chart position order)

showing 1-8 of 8 records
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record label
1 record label: Elektra 67118
chart position: RandB #10, US #57, US dance #29
written by: Yolanda Adams, Jimmy Jam (as James Harris), Terry Lewis and Jimmy Wright (as James Wright)
album: Mountain High...Valley Low
comments: [gospel ballad]
Yolanda Adams Open My Heart
2000 Elektra
2 record label: Diadem Music 92193 1000 2
chart position: US #75
album: Yolanda...Live in Washington
comments: [gospel]
Yolanda Adams The Battle Is the Lord's
1996 Diadem Music
3 record label: Elektra
chart position: RandB #57
album: Day by Day
comments: [slow jam]
Yolanda Adams Someone Watching Over You
2005 Elektra
4 record label: Bungalo
chart position: RandB #68
album: The Gospel According to Patti LaBelle
comments: [album cut]
Patti LaBelle featuring Yolanda Adams Where Love Begins
2007 Bungalo
5 record label: Elektra
chart position: RandB #74
written by: Jimmy Wright, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis and Yolanda Adams
album: Believe
comments: [gospel ballad]
Yolanda Adams I'm Gonna Be Ready
2002 Elektra
6 record label: Tribute
chart position: RandB #75
written by: V. Michael McKay
album: Save The World
comments: [gospel ballad]
Yolanda Adams The Battle Is The Lord's
2003 Tribute
7 record label: Elektra
chart position: RandB #79
written by: Jimmy Jam, Jimmy Wright, Terry Lewis and Yolanda Adams
album: Believe
comments: [slow jam]
Yolanda Adams Never Give Up
2002 Elektra
8 record label: Tribute 5913
chart position: RandB #97
written by: Brian Overton, Khalid Keene, Ted Howard, Terrence Jones and Yolanda Adams
album: More Than a Melody
Yolanda Adams Gotta Have Love
1996 Tribute

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